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This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!


Your transaction failed, please try again or contact site support.

Thank you for your donation! [give_receipt]

[icon type=”heart-o” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#ef5350″]   We love our volunteers!

[rescue_spacing size=”20px”]

They make this campaign stronger and we appreciate everything that they do. Whether you can commit to just a few hours a week or more, we’d like to hear from you!

Have a look at the available positions below and days with openings. Then send us a message from the application tab!

[rescue_spacing size=”20px”]


[rescue_tab title=”Apply Now!”]


[rescue_tab title=”When We Need You”]

Day Hours Position
Monday Afternoon Assistants, Donation Collectors
Wednesday Evening Call-Center Operator, Donation Collectors
Friday Morning Donation Collectors


[rescue_tab title=”Position Descriptions”]

Personal Assistant: Hic mi! Reprehenderit natus? Libero, nihil? Occaecati! Adipisci sint optio, suspendisse nam? Natoque lacinia soluta, dis mattis deleniti sapiente leo perspiciatis quasi.

Call-Center Operator: Urna illum repudiandae? Magna rhoncus enim repudiandae ipsam eleifend bibendum vehicula lacinia autem dictumst cursus placerat distinctio explicabo dolorem ad eius.

Donation Collector: Nobis pede massa quia, quas, reprehenderit. Quidem tempora placeat, ea deserunt consequatur? Vel primis, voluptate eget? Ultrices nisl blanditiis augue inventore.




Add buttons to your content easily and customize them as any color you’d like.

[rescue_button color=”black” url=”#” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” border_radius=”3px”]Black Button[/rescue_button]

[rescue_button color=”red” url=”#” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” border_radius=””]Red Button[/rescue_button]

[rescue_button color=”orange” url=”#” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” border_radius=””]Orange Button[/rescue_button]

[rescue_button color=”blue” url=”#” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” border_radius=””]Blue Button[/rescue_button]

[rescue_button color=”green” url=”#” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” border_radius=””]Green Button[/rescue_button]

[rescue_button color=”white” url=”#” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” border_radius=””]White Button[/rescue_button]

[rescue_spacing size=”40px”]

[rescue_button colorhex="#333333" url="#" title="The button title" target="blank" 
border_radius="3px"] Black Button [/rescue_button]


Toggle Content

Maybe for an awesome FAQ page? The sky’s the limit.

[rescue_spacing size=”10px”]

[rescue_toggle title=”Conubia consectetuer etiam eiusmod porro, quisque?”]Great question! Accumsan pharetra tristique minus leo tempore, ratione temporibus, temporibus anim facilis faucibus. Ipsum, diam quisque, voluptatem. [/rescue_toggle]

[rescue_toggle title=”Etiam eiusmod quisque?”]Another toggle box. Delectus provident lacinia, tempore lectus ultricies! Ipsum nisi ornare pede voluptate mi, quos? Earum curae, vitae imperdiet! Aliqua fames aperiam nisl ultrices dolor! Recusandae ex[/rescue_toggle]

[rescue_toggle title=”Varius, possimus iaculis asperiores?”]Voluptatum, provident, mus, magnam aliquid diamlorem, delectus provident lacinia, tempore lectus ultricies! Ipsum nisi ornare pede voluptate mi, quos? Earum curae, vitae imperdiet! Aliqua fames aperiam nisl ultrices dolor! Recusandae ex[/rescue_toggle]

[rescue_toggle title=”This Is Your Toggle Title”]Elit mi hymenaeos architecto modi vehicula ornare tempora, eget morbi.[/rescue_toggle]

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_toggle title="This Is Your Toggle Title"] 
This is the toggle content. 



Progress Bar

Let your visitors visualize the progress of a project, donation funds, or anything you’d like!

[rescue_spacing size=”10px”]

[rescue_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]
[rescue_progressbar title=”Example” percentage=”75″ color=”#ef5350″]
[rescue_progressbar title=”Example” percentage=”55″ color=”#2196f3″]
[rescue_progressbar title=”Example” percentage=”90″ color=”#90a4ae”]
[rescue_column size=”one-half” position=”last”][/rescue_column]

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_progressbar title="Example" percentage="75" color="#f1c40f"]



Tabbed Content

Create multiple tabbed content sections to display just about anything!

[rescue_spacing size=”10px”]
[rescue_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]

[rescue_tab title=”First Tab”]
[rescue_spacing size=”10px”]

Urna voluptate natoque, luctus penatibus do, veritatis magna, reiciendis nostrum vestibulum! Et officia aute, sequi doloremque nullam rem cumque eligendi harum consequat rerum dolor justo.


[rescue_tab title=”Second Tab”]
Litora sapien cillum corrupti perferendis montes veritatis, velit, unde sollicitudin orci pharetra, error, voluptas, minim pariatur, ullamcorper laudantium tenetur! Porro eaque ex parturient inventore ante.

Dis alias. Voluptatum hac arcu exercitationem tempore curabitur, quos eius integer similique. Reiciendis! Ut, arcu fermentum? Do risus, veniam sint semper consequatur lobortis, sodales nonummy.

[rescue_tab title=”Third Tab”]

[contact-form-7 id=”134″ title=”Contact form 1″]


[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]


[rescue_tab title="First Tab"]
First tab content

[rescue_tab title="Second Tab"]
Second Tab Content.



500+ Icons by Font Awesome

Simply enter the icon name list on the Font Awesome icon directory and adjust the shortcode settings. A few examples:

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”heart” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]heart
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”globe” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]globe
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”cloud” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]cloud
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”refresh” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]refresh
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”last”]
[icon type=”gavel” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]gavel

[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”leaf” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]leaf
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”user-md” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]user-md
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”rocket” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]rocket
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”microphone” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]microphone
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”last”]
[icon type=”medkit” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]medkit

[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”laptop” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]laptop
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”smile-o” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]smile-o
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”bolt” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]bolt
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”first”]
[icon type=”pagelines” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]pagelines
[rescue_column size=”one-fifth” position=”last”]
[icon type=”moon-o” size=”2x” pull=”left” color=”#cccccc”]moon-o

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[icon type="heart" size="2x" pull="left" color="#cccccc"] [/icon]


Wrap anything with the animation shortcode and watch it come alive!

[rescue_column size=”one-third” position=”first”]

[rescue_animate type=”slideInDown” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]slideInDown[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”slideInLeft” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]slideInLeft[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”slideInRight” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]slideInRight[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”fadeIn” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]fadeIn[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]


[rescue_column size=”one-third” position=”first”]

[rescue_animate type=”fadeInLeft” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]fadeInLeft[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”fadeInRight” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]fadeInRight[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”fadeInUp” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]fadeInUp[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”fadeInDown” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]fadeInDown[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]


[rescue_column size=”one-third” position=”last”]

[rescue_animate type=”bounceIn” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]bounceIn[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”bounceInLeft” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]bounceInLeft[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”bounceInRight” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]bounceInRight[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_animate type=”bounceInUp” duration=”2s” delay=”0s” iteration=”1″][rescue_button color=”black” url=”http://rescuethemes.com” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” border_radius=””]bounceInUp[/rescue_button][/rescue_animate]

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_animate type="bounceInUp" duration="2s" delay="0s" iteration="1"] 
Content to animate.

Google Map

Display a Google Map for any location on any post or page.

[rescue_googlemap title=”Rescue Themes Offices” location=”5046 S Greenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60615″ zoom=”14″ height=250]

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_googlemap title="Rescue Themes Offices" 
location="5046 S Greenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60615" zoom="14" height=250]

Notification Boxes

Have certain sections of text stand out by creating notices or alerts with the Notification Box shortcode.

[rescue_box color=”blue” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
This is just an example title

[rescue_box color=”gray” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
This is just an example title

[rescue_box color=”green” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
This is just an example title

[rescue_box color=”red” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
This is just an example title

[rescue_box color=”yellow” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
This is just an example title

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_box color="yellow" text_align="left" width="100%" float="none"] 
This sentence will be displayed as a notification.

Text Highlights

Quickly highlight sections of text to help more important words stand out.

Blue: The [rescue_highlight color=”blue”]Merchandise Mart[/rescue_highlight] is a commercial building located in the [rescue_highlight color=”blue”]Near North Side of Chicago[/rescue_highlight].

Gray: The [rescue_highlight color=”gray”]Merchandise Mart[/rescue_highlight] is a commercial building located in the [rescue_highlight color=”gray”]Near North Side of Chicago[/rescue_highlight].

Green: The [rescue_highlight color=”green”]Merchandise Mart[/rescue_highlight] is a commercial building located in the [rescue_highlight color=”green”]Near North Side of Chicago[/rescue_highlight].

Red: The [rescue_highlight color=”red”]Merchandise Mart[/rescue_highlight] is a commercial building located in the [rescue_highlight color=”red”]Near North Side of Chicago[/rescue_highlight].

Yellow: The [rescue_highlight color=”yellow”]Merchandise Mart[/rescue_highlight] is a commercial building located in the [rescue_highlight color=”yellow”]Near North Side of Chicago[/rescue_highlight].

[rescue_spacing size=”30px”]

[rescue_highlight color="blue"] 
These are some words to be highlighted.


Change this text in the theme customizer

Site under construction!

Online Donation  


Do you prefer to donate by mail?

Mail personal check, money order or credit card information to the following address:

Committee to Elect Houston Barrow
349 Garden Rd. Eden, NC 27288

 Did you know you can also donate your time?

Volunteer on our campaign team! We’re looking for a variety of different volunteers to fill positions throughout the county.

Get in touch on our volunteer page and let us know a little more about yourself and how you’d like to contribute.